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Reachforit - Maximize U

When You Want Something in Life

At some point, we all find ourselves pondering the question, “Who are you” and”What do I want out of life?” It’s a powerful inquiry that taps into our deepest desires, aspirations, and dreams. Identifying what we truly want is the first step toward creating a fulfilling and meaningful life. In this blog, we will explore […]
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PowerWords Maximus U

The Power of Words: Choose and Use Wisely

The Power of Words I wanted to bring you this really quick but very important post on the power of words. This is a critical topic, and equally relevant in your personal life as in your work life. Words are mightier than the sword. And they can either uplift people, or they can cause pain, […]
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Say-No-Maximize U

Don’t be Afraid to Say No

I want to write about something that’s really important today. And that is, don’t be afraid to say no. What do I mean by that? In a sales situation, or in an environment where the other person is making a demand, and they’re asking you for something, it’s okay to push back and say, No, […]
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Moving-forward-Maximize U

Let Go of the Old – by Sal Celly

I’m going to write about a very important topic, and that is ending and letting go of the old to make space for the new. And what do I mean by that- in life, we’re going to come across situations where we need to put an end to the old and let go of the […]
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CaughtBetweenRockAndHardPlace - Maximize U

Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place

When you’re caught between a rock and a hard place – by Sal Celly Good morning. Today, I’d like to write about being caught between a rock and a hard place. Definition What do I mean by that? What I mean by that is, sometimes in life, we come across situations where we are faced […]
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abundance - Maximize U

Are You Driven by an Abundance Mindset?

Are you driven by an abundance mindset? by Sal Celly Do you have a mindset of abundance or scarcity? That in turn translates into how you view the world, how you interact with others, and the opportunities you seize and the opportunities you take, and what gets left behind by the wayside. This is equally […]
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