Meta Shapers is a global community of thought leaders and industry specialists who are shaping the narrative around Web3.

Web3 is not just about using technology to build faster, cheaper, and more secure applications. It's about creating a more open, fair, and inclusive internet that respects user sovereignty, privacy, and choice.

Brands need to look at Web3 with a fresh pair of eyes. Leaders need to think of innovative ways to collaborate with competitive brands to understand the demographics of the fansumers and grow the market. We all need to move away from how we used to do things in Web 2.0 and embrace what Web3 has to offer. Create a Win: Win model.

The most significant distinction between Web 2.0 and Web3 is the change from a centralized to a decentralized internet. For the first time in history, power is now shifting from big brands to, 'We the People'. You and I will decide what we buy, and the brands will manufacture exactly what we need. This will lead to more sustainability and less waste. Good for the planet.

  • WHY WEB3?

It is important to align your purpose, values, and incentives with the Web3 vision and communicate them clearly to your team and all stakeholders.

Trust and user empowerment are the cornerstones of Web3. E-commerce enablement will be the new norm. While Web 2.0 would require the user to enter bank or credit card details so that a company would handle the payment, Web3 uses blockchain to allow payments to be made directly, which can be more efficient and seamless.

Web3 is a movement that challenges the status quo and aims to create a more democratic and participatory web. To succeed in Web3, you need to build a robust Web3 community of open-hearted and like-minded people. A community where you listen to the voice of the members.

In the future, brands will be valued by their Community cap rather than their Market cap. Your best friends, therefore, should be the gatekeepers of successful Web3 communities. Join networks, such as DAOs, NFTs, or DeFi projects, and contribute to their development, governance, and sustainability.


Technology is moving at the speed of thought! Just like the Japanese bullet train - the Shinkansen.

Consider these stats that are leading to accelerating change:

  • There are 4.95 billion internet users in the world as of 2023.
  • There are 7.33 billion mobile phone users in the world.
  • It's predicted that there will be 38.6 billion IoT-connected devices (smartwatches, etc.) around the world by 2025 and 50 billion by 2030.
  • There are 1.35 million tech startups in the world.
  • 93% of U.S. adults use the internet.
  • There are over 600,000 new internet users each day, on average.
  • It's estimated that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created each day.

Technology is increasing so fast because each technological innovation creates many more possibilities and typically drives down the costs of technology.

Join the Meta Shapers community at www.meta-shapers.com and stay ahead of the curve with all tech innovations.

Meta Shapers