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Are you focusing on the Truth?
Pay attention to The Truth
The devil wants you to pay attention to your feeling. Jesus wants you to pay attention to His truth.”
Dr. Tony Evans preached so well on marriage recently, and that statement jumped out at me. The word “feeling” is mentioned in the bible just 3 times, while “feel” is mentioned 20. In all Scripture, just 23 times those words are mentioned. That reveals very little priority our Creator places on feeling. The words “truth” (179) and “truthful” (5) appear over 180 times in scripture.
What should we be paying attention to according to scripture, the inspired word of our Creator? Truth! God is truth, He isn’t a feeling. Feelings get us sideways in thought. Feelings create a sense of entitlement, unequal benefit, and pride that says we deserve that so we can feel better about ourselves, our lot in life, or our situation. That is selfishness at its core. “I deserve, I’m entitled, I’ve earned that!”
Truth isn’t about Feeling
Truth isn’t about feeling. It is about truth. God is truth. He is the truth in who we are in Christ Jesus. Truth in how we honor, worship, and praise Him. Truth in what we do for others. Truth about our own sinful nature. Truth about the evil one and his schemes to distract us with feelings. Truth is justice. Truth is obedience in Him while experiencing freedom at the same time.
The evil one is all about feeling and uses that against us, to turn us away from Christ Jesus, to delay us in fellowship with Him, delay or eliminate prayer, spending time with Him each day, and to not follow Him as He asks us. When we find ourselves in that situation, simply, calmly, and reverently turn to Him and ask Him to reveal the truth in it. He will, because He wants you to know the truth, His truth and not some truth we follow because it makes us feel good.
We know the motives of our actions
Oswald Chambers wrote,
“It is a great thing to tell yourself the truth.” This statement is powerful in that we know the darkness in our life which we have hidden from others. We know the motives of our actions. We know at what level we are sincere with others. We also know to what degree we are intentional or not so intentional, with every relationship He has blessed us in our life.
Something we may not always think about is who else also knows? If you thought God, you’d be right. We can’t hide anything from Him. It is like the child playing hide and seek from the adult. The wise adult knows every good place to hide and then exactly where the child is going to hide. The adult might take a little time finding the child, but ultimately always knew where they were.
God knows. He is truth, love and life
God, our Father, is so much more capable than that and knows every thought, both good and evil that comes to, in, and through our minds. There is no reason to hide that thought or think no one knows. God knows. He is truth, love, and life. He wants you to bring all things to Him in prayer. He desires your fellowship. He desires your time. He requires our honesty in confession. He wants to extend His grace and mercy over you to heal you. When we know Him and behave based on His divine instruction, His word, and His commands for us, we want to be honest with Him as well.
Since He already knows, why not come to Him in truth, humility, and with the expectation of forgiveness? This is not to erase the past so we can repeat it. It is to repent from the dishonest thinking or behavior and repent of it. Change the behavior going forward and be a more obedient child of God. Be honest with yourself and bring that honesty to Him in prayer each time it comes to mind throughout the day. Each day springs up newness, hopefulness, and anticipation. Each night brings opportunities for thankfulness of a day filled with blessings. Take time to be honest with yourself, and turn to Him, the author and finisher of our faith, the one who is truth Himself. Take everything to Him in prayer.
Trust Him. He is truth. He is love. He loves you and wants you to know truth, Him.
Scripture References
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.โ
John 8:32
If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
1John 1:8
I have no greater joy that this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.
3 John 1:4
For further details or questions on how you stay focused on His Truth and develop joy and happiness for you and your team, to maximize impact and productivity, send me an email at
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