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I wish I knew that then…

I wish I knew that then…

We all have memories of who we were before learning more through life today. Hopefully, we learn from our mistakes, or we are guaranteed to repeat them over and over again. Some folks have regrets, too. Regrets are not godly. Living with regret is living in the past when we didn’t know better. If we did know better, then we should do better today and release the prior poor choices we made. Change a behavior, change a life.

It has been said that if we stop learning, we stop living. Either we are pursuing God’s plan and desire for our lives, or we are regressing and distancing us farther from God’s plan and desire for our lives. The pursuit can be encouraging, too. Asking God, “What are You doing here? Why are You allowing this? What is Your will in this? How can I draw closer to You as a result?”

We can’t know someone if we don’t spend time building a relationship with them. Once we do that, we know their needs, wants, cares, and concerns. Getting to know God is no different. He stands at the door and knocks. His desire is for us to know Him, to really know Him. How do we do that? Read His word. Memorize His word. Pray from His word. Love others by the words He says. Learn and then learn some more. The knowledge we gain will help us live today with no regrets, and we wouldn’t have to say, “If I only knew then…” because we are living this day according to Him and His desire for us.


Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.
Ephesians 2:19-20

For additional details, questions or to schedule a complimentary discussion on how you can leverage living a Godly life to maximize potential and transform for a balanced, happier & impactful life, please email me at


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