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Handling Rejection Correctly

Hi everyone. I hope you’re doing great.

Today is Saturday the 14th of September, and I want to do this quick post on the correct way to view rejection. We’re all going to face rejection at some point in our life.

Depending on what you do, you may face rejection every day in your personal life, and in your work life. If you’re in sales, you’re going to get rejected and hear No many times from customers, and from prospects. The correct way to view rejection in my opinion is, Rejection is Redirection. What do I mean by that?

Rejection is Redirection

Just because somebody’s saying no to you doesn’t mean that they’re rejecting you. Probably you need to tweak and redirect your approach. You can do that by uncovering needs better, identifying the prospects priorities better, and doing a better job of discovery and really understanding their pain and how acute their pain is.

Most importantly, you need to help them realize the magnitude of the pain so that you can prompt them to take action to resolve the pain in your time frame, utilizing your services and solutions. Therefore, the first thing to recognize is that rejection is redirection. So, redirect and try again. That’s the first step.

Role vs Identity

The second step is to understand the difference between your role and your identity. Your role is what you’re doing in terms of your job.
You may be a salesperson, you may be a customer success person, you may be an entrepreneur. Your role is not the same as your identity. Your identity is who you are as a person.

Nobody can impact your identity or lessen it in any way. If you get a No, they’re saying no to your role and to your current approach. They’re not attacking in any way, shape or form your identity.

Your identity is still on solid ground. Do not get negatively impacted by rejection and let it dent your identity, because your identity is solid, and it is yours and yours to keep and strengthen. And remember that you are a child of God, and nobody can take that away from you.

That’s the second thing to recognize about rejection.

Rejection gets you closer to Acceptance

The third thing is that rejection gets you closer to acceptance. What I mean by that is, it’s going to get you to tweak and modify your approach, and your solution. View the rejection as constructive feedback.

I always like to ask our customers, even if we didn’t win the deal, “can you help us understand what were the key reasons why you did not choose us? That will help us potentially modify our offering, so that we overcome the limitations that are currently there and make a better solution.” Ask for that feedback. It’s okay.

Yes is good, No is fine too- no, with the right feedback, will allow you to tweak and modify your approach.


No is not a bad thing…Rejection is not a bad thing. Don’t take it personally, view it in the correct way. Rejection is redirection.

Understand the difference between your role and your identity. And remember that it’s a numbers game. You’re going to get many no’s, that will then get you to the yes.

If you have any questions, please email

MaximizeU Podcast: The correct way to view Rejection-Sep 13, 2024- LISTEN HERE

Thank you and take care.

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