Sal Celly

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Your thoughts have power

You Can Depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental disorders are costing employers over $1 trillion a year. That is due to lost productivity, absenteeism, turnover, disguised unemployment, poor mental health, and sick days. This is a significant cost that negatively impacts human capital and the organization’s financials, customers, sales, and brand equity. Stress Kills When […]
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How do you handle grief?

Grief is real Hi everyone, hope you all are doing great. Today I want to talk about something that a lot of people don’t necessarily communicate often about. That is, how do you handle grief? And more importantly, how do you support somebody that is grieving? We are all going to face this. If we […]
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Remember Martin Luther King’s legacy…

As we commemorate Martin Luther King Day today on 15th January 2024, let us reflect on his wisdom that still resonates with us today. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Let us each make a difference every day by demonstrating love, […]
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