Health & Wellness


Identifying a Toxic Work Environment

Identifying a Toxic Work Environment No matter how much you are making, your peace of mind should always come first. In an ideal world, you would look forward to going to work, but the reality is often not so rosy. Sometimes, things can turn sour, and the negativity around you can reach a point where […]
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Reconnecting with Nature: Discovering the Transformational Power of the Outdoors

Since screens dominate much of our lives and distractions abound, the call of the wild presents a much-needed escape. Nature, with its unspoiled landscapes and tranquil beauty, beckons us to reconnect and rediscover its healing presence. This exploration emphasizes the profound connection between humans and nature, showcasing how venturing into the great outdoors not only […]
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Handling Perfectionism Effectively

In my last article about identifying perfectionism in children and teens, I shared how they are increasingly exposed to societal pressures and unrealistic standards perpetuated by social media. The improbable perfect lives displayed has created an epidemic of anxiety, depression, self-doubt and worse.  The statistics are sad and frightening. Yet, for those of us who grew […]
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