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Sons of disobedience

Sons of disobedience

While growing up, it seemed that I got spanked for just about everything, choosing poorly in language, behavior, and deed. I heard, “Wait until your father gets home,” far too often! I can’t say that at times, the spankings weren’t warranted, but looking back, some were not and seemed severe for the situation.

By learning from our parents, we are to do some things alike, the good behaviors, and some things different, the not-so-good behaviors. From that understanding, my children were spanked for only one poor choice they made: willful disobedience. Anytime and every time our children behaved this way, they received corporal punishment. It was never severe, but it emphasized at least one form of consequence for their poor choices or behavior.

Thankfully, that behavior was few and far between. The way their sweet mother behaved, you’d think she was receiving the punishment, and in a way she was. It was harder on her than anyone.

However, as scripture says in Proverbs 13:24, He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him diligently. From this verse, we are tasked with administering discipline and is not only a parents’ responsibility, God does the very same to us as we navigate the peaks and valleys of this wonderful life. And yes, it IS wonderful because it is God’s gift to us.

If we choose to be sons of disobedience, we will create fruit that is not of God and, therefore, require the loving corrective administration from God. He is the Father and Daddy to all His children and if we choose to get sideways with Him, He will give us experiences to correct that, if we bother to see His powerful hands of love in it.

We must also behave as He desires and requires, just as our kids should do the same. This isn’t out of anything else but love. So, be who He knows you to be, and as you do, others will see that and be impacted to behave similarly.


Scripture References

See that no one deceives you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.
Ephesians 5:6

For questions or to schedule a complimentary discussion on how you can develop the right perspective on being disciplined, to maximize potential and transform to lead a more balanced, happier and impactful life, please email

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