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Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

I spent the last few days with my Dad, who has dementia. I don’t know why this devastating disease (to both patient and family) exists, but God does. I must trust His will, His plans for us, and His sovereignty. This is what allows forward movement toward Him. My dad was in a tough place very recently and we were not sure how long he had. However, God has clearly shown us my Dad’s time of passing on is not now. By the grace of an almighty God, my dad is doing so much better. With God, a team of support personnel, knowledgeable staff, and physicians, my dad is thriving. It remains challenging too, but God has renewed hope in us all. Why does He do this? I don’t know, but I do know I must trust Him.

Music is a key component in life, and scripture proves this in the book of Psalms. It also plays a huge part in jogging memory. Music is regularly present in my dad. Yesterday he danced with my mom and sang to an extraordinary singer who performs at the facility regularly where Dad is. The singer’s name is Felson Palad, and his voice is beautiful. I hope you check out his website. Felson was a worship leader in Israel and has been led by God to forfeit a more worldly singing career to pursue impacting the lives of those in memory care facilities all over. His gift is evident and his walk is powerful.

The life we are given is too precious for description. What we experience could not be without a sovereign God who’s will and love for us is firmly at hand. We can’t possibly orchestrate the amazing turns He directs in our life, for He is the creator of ALL things. This fact is far more understandable when we don’t lean on our own understanding. We must lean on His. He sees. He knows. He understands. He loves.

Trust Him in ALL things, your needs, and your hopes. He is there and will reveal what He knows we need to see, and exactly when we need to see it. When we do this one thing, our lives are changed and our perspective becomes His. Lean on God, for He is good. ?

For additional details or if you’d like to schedule a complimentary session on how you can develop your trust in Him, and lead a more balanced, fulfilled and happier life, please email us at Thanks


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