The importance of asking better questions

Forget the Sales Pitch

“If you’re telling you’re selling and no one wants to be sold.” I coined this phrase when I launched my first company in 2009, a sales coaching and consulting agency that focused upon relationship building strategies. ☝

I saw that most individuals attempting to sell were too often focused upon a sales pitch instead of understanding the prospect’s buying motivations and speaking directly to those.?

Stop leading with features, benefits, and the points you love about your brand and start learning how to engage to meet the buyers needs. ?

Ask Better Questions

How do you do this? Sales success lies in the questions we ask. Not only can you uncover the needs of potential buyers, you get them engaged in the process. Stop trying to “sell” and help get them into a “buying” mindset.

The term “consultative” selling is often overused and has a wide array of meanings.

Despite the way the phrase is thrown around, being consultative to your clients is important If you want to stand out as someone they view as a “go-to” person when they have questions or challenges. This goes beyond a sales transaction.

Build Trust by Providing Value

The more they see you as a resource, the great the trust in you. Trust can build very strong bonds and can create real customer loyalty. ?

So what does it take to go from order taker to order maker?
? View the PDF presented below, created by Paul Kirch, and you’ll gain an understanding of how you can leverage asking better questions to drive impactful dialogue and master engagement a critical aspect of  effective selling. ⬇️

When you develop an assumptive approach, you position yourself as a resource. You learn to ask better questions, you drive real engagement, and in the end, you win!

Ask better questions to drive impactful dialogue and master engagement-

Access PDF here

For additional questions or to schedule a complimentary discussion on how you can leverage asking better questions to build trust and drive impactful dialogue and engagement, please email


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