Business Courses


The Transformative Impact of AI on Marketing

Bridging Creativity and Technology in an Automated World Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of marketing, merging creativity with cutting-edge technology to revolutionize how businesses reach their audiences. This transformation, while promising unprecedented levels of personalization and efficiency, also brings forth ethical and legal challenges that marketers must address responsibly. The Creative Edge of […]
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How is Technology innovation & Digital Transformation impacting human life?

How adaptable are you to rapid change? The time has come when digital transformation is moving from being a nice-to-have compelling technology concept for many, to a business-critical must-have necessity for all. Gartner and IDC both predict that in a multiplied innovation economy built on emerging technologies, both IT and business leaders must reinvent and […]
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Cultivating Sustainable Excellence: The High Performer’s Guide to Managing Perfectionism

At some point in your life, perhaps a mentor, a parent, or a colleague may have instilled in you unusually high standards. An unrelenting mantra of “Do more. Be more” may have formed the bedrock of your subconscious belief system. Such persistent pressure for perfection can influence your behaviors, habits, and, ultimately, your professional identity. […]
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