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Are you Amazed by His glory?
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Psalms 8:3-4
In 2010 we traveled to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was about 6:00 pm when I stepped out onto the rim. The sun was lowering and the shadows cast across the great cavernous depth against a gorgeous blue sky. The first and only thought that came to mind in a flow of emotion was, “He made this!” The thought took me by surprise, because I have traveled all over the south and northwest and never felt this. It was an overwhelming appreciation for the unbelievable tapestry God gives freely each day.
A sunrise, a sunset, the amazing weather, the earth as his canvas and the sky as His most perfect backdrop. It is all His and He has freely given it to us. What a love He has for us! Our repayment is to be good stewards of it, the land, the inhabitants, and most of all to glorify Him, recognize Him, and live for Him and His will while we are here.
To be in awe of God, is to be close to Him. Not just in proximity, but in spirit. Doing our best to serve Him and others as He serves us. Thanks be to God. Gratefulness be to God. Love like God. Appreciate the most amazing blessings He affords each and every day, moment by moment.
He also gave the ultimate gift, His one and only son. Who died for us, so we may have eternal life. 1 Corinthians 15:55 says, “WHERE, O DEATH, IS YOUR VICTORY? WHERE, O DEATH, IS YOUR STING?โ He gave us all we see AND the ability to choose eternal life too. What a lovely and amazing God!
See His amazing works of earth, a gift to us every day. Recognize and appreciate His power and majesty. Be in awe of His power, His strength, and sovereignty over all, and the overwhelming love He has for us. Look up and say, “Thank You, God.” He is the orchestrator of it all, everything.ย
Where there is no awe there will be little worship.
-John Watson
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