Jeff Mitchell

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You can’t do it

You can’t do it” is a statement that can plague a mind for an entire life. Believing that one can’t accomplish anything because they are not smart enough, strong enough, or disciplined enough to do it. There is a saying, “If you think you can’t, then you won’t.” Have you ever thought that the belief […]
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Do Everything in Love

Do everything in love 1 Corinthians 16:13 says, Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Does that sound like weakness? Of course not. It sounds like a soldier pulling security all hours of the night. It sounds like something is at stake if we don’t. What is at […]
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Compliments and Criticisms

Compliments and Criticisms Whenever we receive a compliment from someone we know well, a spouse, our children, or siblings, we have a tendency to dismiss it. After giving a compliment to a loved one, they replied, “Oh, you are obligated. You have to say that,” when actually I’m not, and I don’t! However, when we […]
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What does God do?

God commands us and frees us What does God do? What does the answer look like to you? God created light. God created the heavens. God created the earth. God created all the living plants. God created all the animals, even the ones that slither and crawl on the ground. God created man from dust […]
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Failure is not an option

“Failure is not an option.” This is a phrase attributed to the NASA Space Program portrayed in the movie Apollo 13. Our own strength is not enough On our own strength, failure is not only an option, it is inevitable! Even though we may have a high regard for ourselves, our abilities, our strengths, and […]
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