Lisa Hammett

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Identifying a Toxic Work Environment

Identifying a Toxic Work Environment No matter how much you are making, your peace of mind should always come first. In an ideal world, you would look forward to going to work, but the reality is often not so rosy. Sometimes, things can turn sour, and the negativity around you can reach a point where […]
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Declutter your life for Personal & Professional Success

Spring is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings.  We often associate spring with decluttering our personal spaces.  Decluttering our life can positively impact us personally and professionally. In my international best-selling book, From Burnout to Best Life, How to take charge of your health & happiness, I share tips for setting up our environments […]
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Understanding the Stress-Inflammation Connection

Understanding the Stress-Inflammation Connection: Navigating the Hazards of Silent Inflammation The term burnout may be overused, but burnout in the workplace is still prevalent. According to a 2023 study, burnout in the business sector was described as a silent epidemic that very few are prepared for.  Research showed that a whopping 62% of employees reported […]
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