Patricia Campanile

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  • Author: Patricia Campanile

Are you committing to your passion?

 Nelson Mandela said, “There’s no passion to be found playing small, in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”  Passion is one the five Edgewalker Qualities of Being inherent in those people who are always on the leading edge. Passion is an intense focus on your purpose by […]
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Playfulnness-The secret of Genius and the Fountain of Youth in uncertain times

Playfulness conjures up images of childlike innocence and play, freedom and joy! Edgewalkers value and understand the importance of Playfulness, the quality of being light-hearted or full of fun. Now more than ever, especially with the external restrictions, we can choose to play at any time. When we allow our creative, child-like Spirit and essence […]
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We are the ones, we’ve been waiting for

Deepen your Spiritual journey “I was born for these times!” Over the past year I have heard this remark consistently from my Edgewalker colleagues, community and friends. Many of us have been on our personal and professional path of discovery for some time. We have consciously committed to deepening our spiritual journey of transformation and […]
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Choose Faith, Not Fear !

Mastery through Love Now more than ever it is important to focus on faith, love and hope instead of fear, doubt and worry. As a certified Edgewalker Coach and Facilitator, I share self-mastery tools to help my clients stay conscious, courageous and clear. I encourage them to embrace the opportunities to shift, evolve and transform regardless […]
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