Jeff Mitchell

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Illuminate Darkness with Light

Darkness is the absence of light. The fall of Adam and Eve facilitated the absence of light immediately after they chose to disobey the word of God. On their own they initially covered themselves and tried to hide from God when they never had to before that time, (Genesis 3:7-11). That one choice changed the […]
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What is your spiritual gift?

What is your spiritual gift? What is your spiritual gift? Do you know what one is? One might say “I am nice to poor folks,” or “I cook well,” or even, ” I never tell lies.” Those may sound good at first, but those are talents of the carnal world. Sure, one may do those […]
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Who do you draw near to?

Children want to be near their parents Why do children like to be near their parents? Is it because of their parent’s strength? Their wisdom? Their protection? Their knowledge? Their love? Yes! And so much more. Children are in awe of their parents at first. They then become accustomed to their rules and expectations. Kids […]
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Are you being obedient to His will?

We are instructed in scripture more than once to behave supernaturally. This is not a natural way to behave according to the fallen world’s expectations. We are born in sin, thanks to the doubt the evil one superimposed upon Eve and Adam. Ever since that day, mankind has been natural, shameful, aware of nakedness, and […]
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The Path we choose in Life

“Path” is mentioned in scripture at least thirty times and written with other words such as, life’s path, path of the righteous, path of justice, path through mighty waters, and path on which they won’t stumble, to name just a few. I recall in Uncle Sam’s Army that we had what we called, “wait a […]
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