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Author: Joe Polanin
Are you a leader or a laggard with leveraging Social Media?
Are you a leader or a laggard with leveraging Social Media? We don’t use or need social media. Our team said that for many years. Until we joined LinkedIn. In March 2020, days after opening our first account we had about 100 connections. By February 2023, we had 30K connections. How? Follow three simple steps:…
Key Leadership Lessons…
Three key learnings to share from this unprecedented gathering — a team of teams — with global, transformative, and selfless leaders & co-creators: 1️⃣ Great leaders are humble— what they do isn’t about them, it’s about developing new leaders to exceed expectations. 2️⃣ Don’t quit ever— when pursuing a bold goal, don’t give up, and…
What does effective leadership mean to you?
This will change how you think about leadership. Great leadership is the accumulation of all we have learned, all we are, all we stand for, and all we will become. Seems complicated or daunting? What does Servant Leadership look like? It is inspiring in its simplicity. Consider that great leadership is: ? Inherited and learned…
What mindset do you have ?
Your mindset determines your attitude and your outcome “What’s can’t? There’s no can’t!” ~Mickey Goldmill “There is no try. There is only do or do not.” ~Yoda Wisdom from two remarkable coaches and trainers who inspired their warriors to overcome incredible odds. What separates can from can’t? What distinguishes do from don’t? It’s the sheer…
No More New Year resolutions ?
Don’t make any New Year’s resolutions. Instead, do what’s important right now, all day today, and every day. Think strategically and prioritize well. Plan effectively and minimize assumptions. Make great decisions. Commit to our decisions, take action, and follow through to completion. Elevate, uplift, empower, and inspire those whom we lead, and those whom we…
What is important to you?
Priorities are Important What’s important matters. What isn’t doesn’t. What great leaders Prioritize Great leaders think strategically and establish priorities. They commit to achieving those priorities. They don’t get distracted by what’s not important. They take prudent risk and deliberate action with precision and accuracy. Great leaders galvanize their teams to exceed expectations. How do…
Service and Sacrifice
For nearly 30 years, November has been National Veterans and Military Families month. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been part of a Military Family, and my father has been my Veteran hero. He made an uncertain voyage across the Atlantic from Eastern Europe to America in 1930 when he was 9 years…
Leadership is a process of learning, caring, and giving in service to others
“Leadership is not a position, title, or rank. Leadership is a process of learning, caring, and giving in service to others.” Joe Polanin Norfolk, VA 2005 Joe Polanin Leadership Interview Who is the best leader you have ever known? What qualities made that leader the best? There is no single answer that contains all aspects…
Effective Leadership is about Listening to your gut, and your heart.
“We have intuition and instinct for a reason. We must use them well.” Joe Polanin Tampa, FL 2023 Listen to your gut, and your heart. Often, we don’t, and we disregard our greatest capability — our humanity. Leadership is not a position, title, or rank. Leadership is a process of learning, caring, and giving in…
The Five Principles of Winning Operations
5 Principles of Winning Operations The Five Principles of Winning Operations are Communication, Honor, Support, Curiosity, and Caring. Whether you have been an operator for many years or are just getting started in your new profession, congratulations! The Principles of Winning Operations, honed over decades of successful military operations with elite teams in high-risk environments,…