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Category: Leadership & Team Management
Emotions at Work
Emotions at Work I recently attended a fabulous presentation by Dan Hill, author of Emotionomics. He gave very specific ideas for how to improve your team members’ engagement, particularly around meetings (even remotely), by focusing on their emotions. One thing to note: Only 12% of managers are truly good at emotional intelligence — knowing themselves…
Exemplify Personal Accountability
This is the 2nd post in a series on some of the skills needed to survive (and succeed) in the workforce. We often assume our employees come to us with everything they need to be able to do the job they were hired for. But that’s not always true! Sometimes we have to take a…
We Need to Talk…
There are many times in our lives when we need to have a difficult conversation – with a child, a romantic partner, or a colleague. These conversations never get easier, but we can get better at them. (For an in-depth look at these types of conversations, see the link below to an amazing book I…
Happy Labor Day 2024!
Happy Labor Day 2024! Yesterday, September 2nd 2024, here in the USA, we recognize and celebrate the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being. Interesting then to consider the relationship of the Labor Workforce and AI. How does AI effect labor? Sensational claims are commonplace when AI and jobs are mentioned…
Cultural Diversity: Problem or Possibilities?
The last 2 years have been a time of change and pivoting. Wash and repeat — literally and figuratively. Businesses of all sizes focused on staying afloat, shifting business priorities, inventing new products, processes, and services, and adjusting to working remotely and serving online. We experienced a rise in racial tensions, cultural divides, and calls for…
The Power of Adaptability
The Power of Adaptability Have you ever attempted a challenge… only to fail miserably? Recently I failed a 21-day wellness challenge. My goals were to 1) drink 64 ounces of water daily, 2) improve sleep through meditation and essential oils before bed, and 3) improve agility through daily stretches and outside walks. Why did I…
Rediscovering Nature: A Gateway to Unplugged Adventures
In a time where digital devices dictate our daily lives, stepping back into nature holds a promise of genuine connection and timeless adventures that can’t be replicated through modern convenience. The allure of the outdoors invites us to craft unforgettable memories, face exhilarating challenges, and explore a more profound kinship with the world around us.…
Calling All Visionaries
Calling All Visionaries As I write this, our election day in the U.S. looms, with all of the potential fear, anger and chaos that might occur, no matter who wins. There is considerable Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) in the world we live in today that causes stress, anxiety and pressure. The latest GDP…
Are you a Visionary?
Each month I host an open teleconference on some topic of interest to Edgewalkers. The purpose of these teleconferences is to help grow our Edgewalker community and to support and inspire people who feel called to live on the edge of what’s possible in the world. This month’s topic was “Edgewalkers as Visionaries.” Visioning is…
Anger and the Hot Horn Section
What am I grateful for this year? Well, many things… But, thanks, to this election cycle, I’m most grateful for my anger. Yes, I’m really angry, and I own it. I’m angry, saddened, disgusted, horrified… So, this Thanksgiving, I’m going to focus on my anger. What kind of change will it bring? How will I…