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Author: Lisa Hammett
Your Hybrid Work Environment is Causing Stress and Burnout
Hybrid work is not going away As we continue to navigate the post-COVID waters, one aspect is clear, hybrid work models are not going away. Employers learned, that in many cases, working from home can be very cost effective for business. Benefits to the employer include: Co-workers can work longer shifts Less absenteeism Not having to…
PTSD in Men–Signs and Symptoms to Watch Out For
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, a violent assault, a serious accident, or a war. PTSD can impact people from all walks of life, irrespective of age, gender, culture, or background. However, some people may be more likely to develop…
The Dark Side of Positivity: How Toxic Positivity Harms Our Mental Health
Our thoughts are important The quality of our thoughts determine the quality of our life. What we continually think about creates our belief system which drives our behavior. When we are focused on the positive, we tend to see the positive in all situations, even when challenges arise. When we allow negative emotions to consume us, we…
The Gut-Brain Connection
The Gut-Brain Connection – Unveiling the Power and Importance of Gut Health It might surprise you to know that our gut is a primary source for health and well-being. All disease starts in our gut, whether it’s a common cold or cancer. Our gut is also considered our “second brain.” Here are some key…
Surviving Without a Safety Net
Surviving Without a Safety Net: The Challenges of Shutting Down Coping Mechanisms Coping mechanisms are patterns of behavior that people resort to when faced with stress, anxiety, or other challenging emotions. They can range from mild, such as taking deep breaths, to extreme, such as addiction or self-harm. While these responses often provide short-term relief,…
Manage Chronic Stress By Setting Priorities & Creating Boundaries
Do you feel like a hamster on the wheel, constantly going, going, going but never getting anywhere? Are you stressed, overcommitted, burned out, and exhausted? If you’re like many business owners and executives, this is reality, most days, if not every day. This is a classic sign of life being out of balance, which leads…
Breaking the Silence: Confronting Quitting and Burnout Head-On
I was recently interviewed by Stephanie King Mattingly, author of the forthcoming book, “The Secret You Hide Holds You Back.” We discussed quiet quitting. Although it’s not a new term, it’s still very relevant in today’s workforce. By definition, quiet quitting is a form of disengagement where employees no longer go above and beyond for their…
Understanding Vulnerability and Its Role in Creating Connections
Vulnerability is one of the most powerful yet overlooked elements of human connection. It’s often misunderstood and can be seen as a sign of weakness, when in reality it’s actually a strength. By understanding vulnerability and its role in creating connections, we can open ourselves up to deeper relationships with those around us. What Is…
Why Your Brain Hates Uncertainty and How to Overcome It?
Aversion to the Unknown Our brains are hardwired to dislike uncertainty. This aversion to the unknown can be traced back to evolutionary biology– when our ancestors were living in primitive societies, they had to rely on their instincts and be wary of potential threats in order to survive. This survival instinct has lingered over time,…
How I reached Burnout
How I reached Burnout In 2005 I reached burnout, after 26 years in a high stress, toxic work environment. I felt like I had slammed into a cement wall. I was 65 pounds over-weight and suffering from chronic migraines and digestive issues. My relationship with my spouse was strained. I had no more mental capacity…