

Hindsight Is 20/20

Hindsight Really Is 20/20 Don’t you LOVE hindsight? It’s so effective to help you see where you should have zigged instead of zagged somewhere on your path. The problem is, it’s HINDsight. And thus, you have to first zig in a way that is less than effective – less than true to your heart, your […]

The Power of Collaboration and Teamwork

Hi, everyone, its Sal Celly. Hope you all are doing great. Today I want to do this quick blog on the power of collaboration and teamwork. This may seem really obvious, but it is so critical and equally important in your personal life and in your work life. Doing everything by yourself has limitations There […]

Where do you find Joy?

WHERE DO YOU FIND JOY? ? Taken 10 years ago today, this picture brings back so many memories. I look back at these smiles and remember the laughter like it was yesterday. Today and I have a teenager and a pre-teen who thinks she’s 18. ? At these ages it’s hard to take such simple […]
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