

Compliments and Criticisms

Compliments and Criticisms Whenever we receive a compliment from someone we know well, a spouse, our children, or siblings, we have a tendency to dismiss it. After giving a compliment to a loved one, they replied, “Oh, you are obligated. You have to say that,” when actually I’m not, and I don’t! However, when we […]

7 Ways to Feel Less Vulnerable

Many things in life can make us feel vulnerable. Whether it’s a new job, a new relationship, or even just a new day, we all have moments where we feel like we’re not quite sure what’s going to happen. But vulnerability doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It can be a chance to grow […]

How do you feel when you eat cake with sausages?

When you realize you’re eating cake with sausages Here is my struggle: I experience resistance in doing activities that I love. Take for example LinkedIn: – I love writing and posting – I love supporting other creators – I love creating relationships on DM But lately I’m dragging my feet. Today I brought it up […]

Most problems can be solved

Hi, hope you’re doing great. I am feeling a lot better now. The last podcast I did with you, I was beginning to feel bad, have a body ache, headache and was generally feeling weak. I thought it was maybe because I had got a heat stroke. But it was actually Covid. For four years, […]

The What & Why of Coaching

What is Coaching? Coaching empowers individuals, couples, and teams to fulfill their personal and professional calling. The goal of coaching is for you to discover new things about yourself and take action to reshape your life around that learning. A coaching engagement is a collaborative process, and you as the client will need to fully […]
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