

What does God do?

God commands us and frees us What does God do? What does the answer look like to you? God created light. God created the heavens. God created the earth. God created all the living plants. God created all the animals, even the ones that slither and crawl on the ground. God created man from dust […]

How to Successfully Navigate a Job Transition After Being Laid Off

Navigating a job transition can be challenging, especially after being laid off.  It’s easy to experience feelings of shock, grief, sadness, overwhelm, confusion, despair, and anger.  While it’s important to validate your feelings and allow yourself time to grieve, it’s also important to not allow negative emotions to take over, preventing you from moving forward. […]

When you’re dragging, what action can you take?

What to do when you’re dragging? Good morning, this is Sal Celly, hope you’re having a great week and an awesome day. Today I want to speak about dragging. We all have been in that situation where things are just not seeming right, we’re dragging our feet, everything seems to be moving very slowly, we […]

Failure is not an option

“Failure is not an option.” This is a phrase attributed to the NASA Space Program portrayed in the movie Apollo 13. Our own strength is not enough On our own strength, failure is not only an option, it is inevitable! Even though we may have a high regard for ourselves, our abilities, our strengths, and […]

The Power of Words

Hi. I trust you and yours are well. Thank you always for reading my books and bi-monthly broadcasts and using my tools and strategies for winning in a VUCA world with freedom, power and peace of mind.* *You probably know by now: VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Perhaps you also know the […]
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