

The Five Principles of Winning Operations

5 Principles of Winning Operations The Five Principles of Winning Operations are Communication, Honor, Support, Curiosity, and Caring. Whether you have been an operator for many years or are just getting started in your new profession, congratulations! The Principles of Winning Operations, honed over decades of successful military operations with elite teams in high-risk environments, […]

A quick question for you

A quick question for you… How can one achieve greatness? Is it by making big goals? Or by taking massive action consistently? Both of them are right at their place…But the thing that triumphs all when pursuing greatness is taking risks. You see…Greatness is not a distant unattainable dream… But an extraordinary way of life […]

Illuminate Darkness with Light

Darkness is the absence of light. The fall of Adam and Eve facilitated the absence of light immediately after they chose to disobey the word of God. On their own they initially covered themselves and tried to hide from God when they never had to before that time, (Genesis 3:7-11). That one choice changed the […]

Choose Faith, Not Fear !

Mastery through Love Now more than ever it is important to focus on faith, love and hope instead of fear, doubt and worry. As a certified Edgewalker Coach and Facilitator, I share self-mastery tools to help my clients stay conscious, courageous and clear. I encourage them to embrace the opportunities to shift, evolve and transform regardless […]
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