

CQ is not a Band-Aid

About two years ago, my son Will was obsessed with Band-Aids. I would walk in the bathroom and find him sitting on the floor covering his knees, legs, and arms with Band-Aids. Sometimes I just found the evidence — a pile of packaging and wrappers. This habit was starting to get expensive, so I tried […]

Your Thoughts Have Power

Your thoughts have power Good morning, everyone. It’s Sal Celly. Hope you all are doing great. It’s a beautiful spring day here in Austin and I am sitting in my front yard. I want to speak about a very important topic and that is, Your Thoughts Have Power. Now what do I mean by that? […]

Human Resources(HR) & Workplace Safety

Fundamental building blocks HR professionals play a crucial role in ensuring workplace safety and compliance with HR policies and procedures. This involves both direct and indirect connections to workplace safety hazards and conflict resolution in the workplace. Here are some key points to consider regarding HR and workplace safety: Human Resources(HR) HR plays a crucial […]
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