

The Messy Leader

Many speak about being this picture perfect image of a leader, full of poise, calm and collected, yet vulnerable, sensitive, and thoughtful, all critical traits of a successful leader, isn’t it? Not really. You’re in for a surprise. Work pressure is real, and it does not make for any excellent optics! You missed your target. […]

Is Happiness a Choice?

Is Happiness Really A Choice? “Happiness is a choice.” That is the quote I have as part of my email signature. It’s my quote; although I rest assured I am not the first person to utter those words. I wish I had a buck for every time someone commented on that quote. I think happiness […]

A Leader’s Responsibility

A Leader’s Responsibility You can only have 1 top priority. This is it. It is a leader’s ultimate responsibility to develop others to become better leaders than the best they have ever known. Consider: ⚓️ Who was the best leader you ever knew? Why? ⚓️ Think about your former bosses, coaches, mentors, teachers; who were […]

Follow Him

I am the Light of the World: He who follows me will not walk in darkness, But will have the light of Life. John 8:12 Jesus said, “Follow me” at least 22 times in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. As we know, when something is repeated in scripture, we should pay attention […]
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