

Tackling Adversity…

Tackling Adversity-by Laura Celly Just read online how Jane Fonda has recently been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and her story gave me some energy that I want to share with you. As many of you know I am a Breast Cancer Survivor and my journey with cancer started in 2018 and led me into the […]

Pressure is Welcome

Written by-Sanjay Sinha Most often Pressure is misconstrued as Stress, but it is untrue. We all feel Pressure from time to time; it is always butterflies in our tummy before any big meeting, presentation, or before a game (if you love playing sports) or that sinking feeling when confronted with adverse situations/circumstances/news. It’s the adrenaline […]

What makes you different, makes you beautiful

What makes you different, makes you beautiful-by Sal Celly Conform, fit in, think inside the box, don’t blur the lines…. We have all been told from a young age, that it is important to fit in and be one with the majority-blend in, not blur out; Fade into the crowds not stand out in the […]
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