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Category: Life Coach
The What & Why of Coaching
What is Coaching? Coaching empowers individuals, couples, and teams to fulfill their personal and professional calling. The goal of coaching is for you to discover new things about yourself and take action to reshape your life around that learning. A coaching engagement is a collaborative process, and you as the client will need to fully…
How to Successfully Navigate a Job Transition After Being Laid Off
Navigating a job transition can be challenging, especially after being laid off. It’s easy to experience feelings of shock, grief, sadness, overwhelm, confusion, despair, and anger. While it’s important to validate your feelings and allow yourself time to grieve, it’s also important to not allow negative emotions to take over, preventing you from moving forward.…
When you’re dragging, what action can you take?
What to do when you’re dragging? Good morning, this is Sal Celly, hope you’re having a great week and an awesome day. Today I want to speak about dragging. We all have been in that situation where things are just not seeming right, we’re dragging our feet, everything seems to be moving very slowly, we…
Why do you need a Coach?
What is Coaching? Coaching empowers individuals, couples, and teams to fulfill their personal and professional calling. The goal of coaching is for you to discover new things about yourself and take action to reshape your life around that learning. A coaching engagement is a collaborative process, and you as the client will need to fully…
Are Savers Slower than Spenders?
Hi, I trust you and yours are well. Thank you always for reading my books and free bi-monthly broadcasts, and using my tools and strategies for winning in a VUCA world with freedom, power and peace of mind.* *You probably know by now: VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Perhaps you also know…
3 Steps to Avoid a 40% Loss in Productivity
Causes of Lost Productivity According to David Meyer, Ph.D.- ” Even brief mental blocks created by shifting between tasks can cost as much as 40% of someone’s productive time.” Switching tasks is unproductive. It makes our brain work harder and lose focus. It takes longer to finish tasks and we make more mistakes. For better…
Influencing People and gaining a better mental state
Influencing People and gaining a better mental state How to Really Influence People In my 20’s I saw limited potential in me. I had a smart mentor. But, he didn’t teach me the things he knew. What he did do was help me see things I couldn’t see in myself. I saw myself as a…
Do you overthink after you sent out an email?
When in doubt ask and follow up I clicked ‘Send’ and then… I waited. I worried. I questioned it. I wanted to go back and unsend it. I doubt it. I regretted it. I blamed it. I experienced shame. I checked my emails several times a day… In most cases, I would get a response…
The Importance of Setting Goals for Personal and Professional Growth
Impact of setting goals Setting goals is essential for personal and professional growth as it provides direction, focus, motivation, and a sense of purpose. Here are some key reasons why setting goals is important: Clarity and Focus: Goals help you clarify what you want to achieve in your personal and professional life. They provide a…
Overcoming obstacles and achieving success
The key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success. I want to talk about a very important topic—the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success. This is equally relevant in your personal life as in your work life. This framework, can positively impact the trajectory of your life and your family. Let’s dig in. The Seven…