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Month: July 2023
Illuminate Darkness with Light
Darkness is the absence of light. The fall of Adam and Eve facilitated the absence of light immediately after they chose to disobey the word of God. On their own they initially covered themselves and tried to hide from God when they never had to before that time, (Genesis 3:7-11). That one choice changed the…
Choose Faith, Not Fear !
Mastery through Love Now more than ever it is important to focus on faith, love and hope instead of fear, doubt and worry. As a certified Edgewalker Coach and Facilitator, I share self-mastery tools to help my clients stay conscious, courageous and clear. I encourage them to embrace the opportunities to shift, evolve and transform regardless…
Greatness lies on the other side of Fear
Hi everyone, its Sal Celly. Hope you all are doing great. Today I want to discuss the importance of overcoming your fear. Greatness lies on the other side of fear. Anything that you’re going to achieve and be proud of requires you to beat your fear. For a transformational shift or a paradigm shift in…
Take a Break and Lead Better?
Hi, I trust you and yours are well. Thank you always for reading my books and free bi-monthly broadcasts, and using my tools and strategies for winning in a VUCA world with freedom, power and peace of mind.* *You probably know by now: VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Perhaps you also know…
Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?
Lynn Robinson is given credit for the quote, “Would you rather be right, or would you rather be happy?” I have heard other forms, but interpret this statement as, “Do you want to be prideful, or would you rather be humble?” So many of us want to be right. We fear being wrong. We fear…
Alternative therapy with Reiki & Tarot
Reiki Reiki is an ancient healing modality that provides stress relief and directs life force energy to the body, allowing it to focus on the areas that need healing and rejuvenation. When you arrive, you’ll lay face up on the reiki bed, fully clothed, and will be provided with a blanket, a pillow, and an…
Trust, Shelving and Boundaries
Trust, Shelving and Boundaries I want to talk about trust. I came across a very relevant and insightful quote by Ernest Hemingway. As you know, Ernest Hemingway was a very famous poet, author, and writer. He said, “The way to make people trustworthy is to trust them.” Let’s reiterate as this is very important- the…
What is your spiritual gift?
What is your spiritual gift? What is your spiritual gift? Do you know what one is? One might say “I am nice to poor folks,” or “I cook well,” or even, ” I never tell lies.” Those may sound good at first, but those are talents of the carnal world. Sure, one may do those…
Making Conscious Choices “You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.”- Unknown Decision Making has never been one of my strong points. Even when I was younger I had difficulty deciding what I wanted. Actually, I wanted too much and the thought of choosing…
3 Steps to Avoid a 40% Loss in Productivity
Causes of Lost Productivity According to David Meyer, Ph.D.- ” Even brief mental blocks created by shifting between tasks can cost as much as 40% of someone’s productive time.” Switching tasks is unproductive. It makes our brain work harder and lose focus. It takes longer to finish tasks and we make more mistakes. For better…