

Don’t you want to know?

Don’t you want to know?When we were young we always needed answers. Children always ask “Why?” They ask questions like “Why did this happen; Why do we have to do that; Why is that; How come?” Even though we ask as children, the funny part of that questioning is we never really grow out of […]

Habits of Mind…

Habits of Mind Did you know that you have Habits of Mind…? Some are good habits, others not so much.  These habits of mind lead to certain behaviors and results. Again, some positive, others, not so much. Positive Habits of Mind So, for example, one of my Habits of Mind looks like this: Sitting at […]

The Roar of The More

Discover the Upgraded YOU That is Emerging The theme of expansion shouts in my mind, my heart, my gut. It speaks of being more engaged and excited about life, living larger and deeper, and becoming the person I am intended to be. It expresses itself in joy and it urges me to forge new connections […]

The proper time

The proper time There exists a proper time for everything. For example, there’s a proper time for when a baby goes from milk to solid food; when a teenager starts to drive; when a young adult becomes old enough to drive, to enlist in the armed services; to legally consume alcohol. None of these occurrences […]

Your thoughts have power

You Can Depression, anxiety, stress, and other mental disorders are costing employers over $1 trillion a year. That is due to lost productivity, absenteeism, turnover, disguised unemployment, poor mental health, and sick days. This is a significant cost that negatively impacts human capital and the organization’s financials, customers, sales, and brand equity. Stress Kills When […]
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