


Majestic What does the word majestic mean to you? This word, as defined by Meriam Webster, means “having or exhibiting majesty.” It can mean stately, grand, magnificent, imposing regarding size, or exceeding the ordinary. Majestic is found in scripture and is used primarily to refer to God; Lord (Isaiah 33:21, Psalm 29:4). His work (Psalm […]


Hi, Hope you’re doing well.   I’d like to tell you a story. It’s about why I do what I do, and why I’d like to help you master any project and achieve BIG.  “Master any project” sounds so easy. But did you know that my colleague Bent Flyvbjerg, the world’s foremost expert on megaprojects ($1+ […]

Good Deeds

Good deeds One picture of a good deed is a young man or woman helping an elderly woman cross the street. This has been a scene for decades by a boy scout or just a good-hearted young person helping another with something they need. It remains a peaceful picture of what a good deed can […]

The Power of Adaptability

Have you ever attempted a challenge… only to fail miserably?  Recently I failed a 21-day wellness challenge. My goals were to 1) drink 64 ounces of water daily, 2) improve sleep through meditation and essential oils before bed, and 3) improve agility through daily stretches and outside walks. Why did I Fail?  Why did I […]
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