

Cultivating Sustainable Excellence: The High Performer’s Guide to Managing Perfectionism

At some point in your life, perhaps a mentor, a parent, or a colleague may have instilled in you unusually high standards. An unrelenting mantra of “Do more. Be more” may have formed the bedrock of your subconscious belief system. Such persistent pressure for perfection can influence your behaviors, habits, and, ultimately, your professional identity. […]

How much can you handle?

How much can you handle? What we handle is usually based on our past. What have we handled and to what depth and degree determines what we limit ourselves to handle today. Past behavior is a good indicator of future behavior. This is where the term “Always been done that way” comes from. There is […]

The Power of Dignity: Why Every Person Desires to Be Seen, Heard, & Respected

Dignity is more than just a word—it is a fundamental human need, intricately connected to our mental, emotional, and social well-being. When people are treated with dignity, they flourish; they feel seen, heard, and respected. However, the concept of dignity is often glossed over or compromised, even though honoring someone’s inherent value should be at […]

Are you lukewarm?

Lukewarm Do you believe in God the Father, Christ Jesus the Son, and His Holy Spirit? If you claim to believe in the triune God, does anyone in your sphere of influence know it? Does your family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, or strangers know it? If so, how? What is visible to them that confirms Christ […]
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