

The Questions I Ask to Overcome Fear

How steep is your learning curve? This is hard! I keep asking myself why I am doing so many risky things at once? And why I am forcing myself to learn so many things at once? This week my learning curve is: newsletter creation, Canva, Mailchimp, Eventbrite, Medium, training curriculum, presenting while being recorded, engaging […]

The bounty of Gifts

Gifts This word can mean something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation. It can also be an act or a talent. “Gift” is mentioned in scripture at least 74 times. There are good gifts, gifts that precede or follow, gifts that are prepared, gifts of service, gifts that are brought, gifts of silver and […]

What is important to you?

Priorities are Important What’s important matters. What isn’t doesn’t. What great leaders Prioritize Great leaders think strategically and establish priorities. They commit to achieving those priorities. They don’t get distracted by what’s not important. They take prudent risk and deliberate action with precision and accuracy. Great leaders galvanize their teams to exceed expectations. How do […]
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