

Are you being obedient to His will?

We are instructed in scripture more than once to behave supernaturally. This is not a natural way to behave according to the fallen world’s expectations. We are born in sin, thanks to the doubt the evil one superimposed upon Eve and Adam. Ever since that day, mankind has been natural, shameful, aware of nakedness, and […]

Are you leveraging AI to Grow & Maximize ?

Are you ready to take your business to new heights? Buckle up, because I’m about to reveal a game-changing secret that will supercharge your results like never before! ? You see… ? Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as the ultimate business ally… It will completely revolutionize the way we operate, strategize and dominate our markets. […]

Promoting mental health in the workplace

Mental Health in the Workplace Promoting mental health in the workplace remains a pressing challenge due to the stigma attached to it. A supportive environment that prioritizes mental health is essential to address the issue. Objective evidence indicates that employee well-being is linked to their productivity, underscoring the importance of addressing mental health. It is […]

The Path we choose in Life

“Path” is mentioned in scripture at least thirty times and written with other words such as, life’s path, path of the righteous, path of justice, path through mighty waters, and path on which they won’t stumble, to name just a few. I recall in Uncle Sam’s Army that we had what we called, “wait a […]
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