

Being Humble is Powerful

Humble is mentioned in scripture 57 times, while humility is mentioned 13. That’s 70 times that God mentions this trait. Most times humble is followed by either, himself, herself, yourself, or themselves. It is also used as a noun as in, “the humble.” In scripture, humility is usually used around words like, gentleness, patience, worship, […]

Overcoming obstacles and achieving success

The key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success. I want to talk about a very important topic—the key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success. This is equally relevant in your personal life as in your work life. This framework, can positively impact the trajectory of your life and your family. Let’s dig in. The Seven […]

Make Better Decisions at work and in life

Impact of better decision making Making sound decisions is crucial for the success of any business. Effective decision making is an art and a science and can radically transform the trajectory of your work and your life.  Decision-making is both an art and a science. By combining rational analysis, strategic thinking, and intuition, you can […]
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