

Forgiveness is Freedom

Forgiveness is freedom. For more than half of my life, I couldn’t forgive someone who repeatedly hurt a loved one. I was afraid that letting go meant… … agreeing with what they’ve done … allowing them to do it again … that I was wrong What I didn’t realize was that by holding onto the […]

Push back, say No and Delegate effectively

In both personal and work life, it’s crucial to push back and say no to unreasonable demands. Balancing priorities and setting expectations is key to avoiding unnecessary stress. Effective delegation and team-building activities play a significant role in achieving this balance and preventing burnout. Let’s explore how to delegate tasks effectively, engage in team activities, […]

How I reached Burnout

How I reached Burnout In 2005 I reached burnout, after 26 years in a high stress, toxic work environment.  I felt like I had slammed into a cement wall.  I was 65 pounds over-weight and suffering from chronic migraines and digestive issues.  My relationship with my spouse was strained.  I had no more mental capacity […]

Cast All Your Anxiety On Him

Cast all your anxiety on Him, because he cares for you-1 Peter 5:7 The word anxiety has come up multiple times in study today. Anxiety defined is a state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties. This is fear of the future and the anticipation of tomorrow’s tomorrows that we allow to infiltrate and […]

Why Cultural Intelligence or CQ is critical?

What is CQ? Cultural intelligence, also known as the cultural quotient or CQ refers to an individual’s ability to understand, appreciate, and effectively navigate different cultures. This type of intelligence has become increasingly important in our globalized world, where people from different backgrounds and cultures are working and living together more than ever before. CQ […]

Encourage one another & build each other up

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing- 1 Thessalonians 5:11   “Encourage one another and build each other up” is something some folks do, but others do not. What does that look like?   It is prayer.  -Praying over someone is a powerful gift of love […]
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