

Are you all in?

The crucifixion of Christ Jesus was foretold by many long before it ever happened, centuries before, in fact. There are an array of testimonies describing it from different people. One of my favorites is when Jesus prophesied it himself in Matthew 20:17-19, As Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, He took the twelve […]

What’s keeping you from being Happy

Good morning, everyone! Sal Celly here, hoping you’re all doing well. Recently, I had the opportunity to travel internationally, exploring vibrant destinations like Manhattan, Dubai, and Istanbul, Turkey. I hope all of you have been staying safe and doing great. Are You Happy and Content in Life? Today, I’d like to reflect on my travels […]

Are Savers Slower than Spenders?

Hi. I trust you and yours are well. Thank you always for reading my books and bi-monthly broadcasts, and using my tools and strategies for winning in a VUCA world with freedom, power and peace of mind.* *You probably know by now: VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Perhaps you also know the […]

Are you being Bold

Good morning, everyone. Hope you all are doing well. It is first of April, April Fool’s Day. And it’s about 7:25am. It’s a beautiful day, beautiful spring day in Austin, and I’m sitting in my backyard garden. In my background, there is a pear tree. We are looking forward to getting a nice big harvest […]

Do what you know is right

If you don’t do what you know is right, you have sinned. James 4:17 As we approach this holy week, where we observe the steps that Christ Jesus took from Gethesemene at the foot of the  Mount of Olives, to stand in a mock trial, suffer the worst possible beating and death of that time […]
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