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Category: Mindset & Perspective
Logic versus Imagination
Imagination will take you Everywhere I wanted to talk about a very insightful quote from Albert Einstein- “Logic will take you from point A to point B, imagination will take you everywhere.” Let’s drill into that. It’s important to have your imagination and to think big, because that’s what is going to enable you to…
Conscious Choices in Uncertain Times
“You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go, and see what happens.”- Unknown Decision Making Process Decision Making has never been one of my strong points. Even when I was younger, I had difficulty deciding what I wanted. Actually, I wanted too much and the thought of choosing…
The Dark Side of Positivity: How Toxic Positivity Harms Our Mental Health
Our thoughts are important The quality of our thoughts determine the quality of our life. What we continually think about creates our belief system which drives our behavior. When we are focused on the positive, we tend to see the positive in all situations, even when challenges arise. When we allow negative emotions to consume us, we…
A quick question for you
A quick question for you… How can one achieve greatness? Is it by making big goals? Or by taking massive action consistently? Both of them are right at their place…But the thing that triumphs all when pursuing greatness is taking risks. You see…Greatness is not a distant unattainable dream… But an extraordinary way of life…
Choose Faith, Not Fear !
Mastery through Love Now more than ever it is important to focus on faith, love and hope instead of fear, doubt and worry. As a certified Edgewalker Coach and Facilitator, I share self-mastery tools to help my clients stay conscious, courageous and clear. I encourage them to embrace the opportunities to shift, evolve and transform regardless…
Greatness lies on the other side of Fear
Hi everyone, its Sal Celly. Hope you all are doing great. Today I want to discuss the importance of overcoming your fear. Greatness lies on the other side of fear. Anything that you’re going to achieve and be proud of requires you to beat your fear. For a transformational shift or a paradigm shift in…
Are you camping in the past, present or future?
“My life was over, and I never got what I wanted.” This verse touched me deeply from the poem “Present Tense” by Jason Lehman. — It was spring, but it was summer I wanted, The warm days, and the great outdoors. It was summer, but it was fall I wanted, The colorful leaves, and the…
Up, Up, and Away to a New Paradigm
Up, Up, and Away to a New Paradigm Up, Up and Away In my beautiful balloon…would you like to ride in my beautiful balloon? We could float among the stars together, you and I For we can fly, we can fly… Remember that song? From The 5th Dimension, the ever cool and new age-y pop group from…
It’s not about mastery, but the journey
It’s not about Mastery or Perfection, but the Journey Hi everyone, its Sal Celly hope you all are doing great. It’s early morning here and I am at my one of my favorite spots-Lake Pflugerville. I really find this area to be so peaceful, calming and tranquil, and come here quite often. Today, I wanted…
The Joyful Teachers
Today is the anniversary of my beloved Mother’s passing. It’s not an easy day for me… and this could very easily be a real downer for the topic of this article. But the truth is I see it a day to celebrate her life, and mine. I have also come to realize that by sharing…