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Category: Mindset & Perspective
STOP Shiny Object Syndrome for Goal Achievement
You may have heard it said that the key to goal achievement is having the right mindset followed by consistent action. This is true. In fact, I discuss this in detail in my book, From Burnout to Best Life. What is less often discussed is how restless behavior, I like to call it Shiny Object Syndrome, sabotages…
Does Self-Control Make You Unhappy?
Self-Control has Positive Results Saving instead of shopping. Water instead of wine. Building the future instead of binge-watching. Doesn’t sound like fun, does it? “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” as Jack Nicholson in the horror movie “The Shining” wrote over and over on his typewriter. We see people with a…
Take a Break and Lead Better?
Hi, I trust you and yours are well. Thank you always for reading my books and free bi-monthly broadcasts, and using my tools and strategies for winning in a VUCA world with freedom, power and peace of mind.* *You probably know by now: VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Perhaps you also know…
Want to Suffer? Then Focus on Being Right!
When we operate from a contracted mindset, rather than an expanded mindset and we want everything to go our way, we are setting up ourselves for failure and disappointment. Instead, stop trying to force the formula and operate from a curiosity perspective, where you are interested in the other person and the situation, you’re in…
Edgewalker Love
Self-Love I’m taking a moment to reflect on Edgewalkers and love. Love is the basis of all relationships, beginning with self-love. You cannot give what you don’t have, so it is essential that you build the strongest relationship possible with yourself first if you want to be a good partner. The first quality of an…
The Questions I Ask to Overcome Fear
What questions are you asking yourself? This is hard! I keep asking myself why I am doing so many risky things at once? And why I am forcing myself to learn so many things at once? This week my learning curve is: newsletter creation, Canva, Mailchimp, Eventbrite, Medium, training curriculum, presenting while being recorded, engaging…
Precision, inches and seconds count
Precision, inches & seconds count Today I want to talk about a very important topic and that is precision. inches and seconds may make the difference. Now, what do I mean by that? Yesterday, I was volunteering as a timer at the UT Longhorn swim competition, where my daughter regularly swims. I did that, from…
I can get better at this
From “I’m not good at this!” to “I can get better at this!” When my self-talk was “I’m not good at this” nothing would change about the status quo. I would throw myself a pity party. I would feel totally hopeless. I would be upset with myself. I would blame my upbringing. I would stay…
Fulfilling your New Year Resolutions
Only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s Resolutions* There is an explanation for this and some tangible things we can do to increase these odds. Studies** have revealed that we’re thinking of our future selves as the best version of us. When we set goals we don’t set goals for the current self to…
Understand your Why – The Key to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Success
Understanding your why is crucial for achieving success and personal growth in both your personal and professional life. Whether you’re a leader, manager, motivator, or mentor, there is a driving force behind what you do. A Driving Force Understanding your why is crucial for achieving success and personal growth in both your personal and professional…