Year: 2024


Destroy or Restore

Destroy or Restore Which do you choose from the two above? There is only one primary force, one single power and dominion over all things. There is one single divine and supernatural entity with three personalities that truly and passionately loves us, restores us, purifies us, leads us to stillness, calmness, and safety from potential […]
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Understanding the Stress-Inflammation Connection

Understanding the Stress-Inflammation Connection: Navigating the Hazards of Silent Inflammation The term burnout may be overused, but burnout in the workplace is still prevalent. According to a 2023 study, burnout in the business sector was described as a silent epidemic that very few are prepared for.  Research showed that a whopping 62% of employees reported […]
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Do you cry?

Cry “Big boys don’t cry,” or “Men don’t cry” were statements told to me when I was young and during much of my life. As a result, I did my best to remain emotionless when crying was most appropriate. Recalling those days, not crying took an effort as if it was going against something, unnatural. […]
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7 secrets to self-love

Hi! I’m declaring today SELF-LOVE Day! Love is a Universal language that you can find everywhere you go, but is often lacking in our own hearts. On this journey called life, love is always a beacon of hope, peace and joy.  However, learning to love ourselves unconditionally, can sometimes be challenging. I know it was […]
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Majestic What does the word majestic mean to you? This word, as defined by Meriam Webster, means “having or exhibiting majesty.” It can mean stately, grand, magnificent, imposing regarding size, or exceeding the ordinary. Majestic is found in scripture and is used primarily to refer to God; Lord (Isaiah 33:21, Psalm 29:4). His work (Psalm […]
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