

Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 I spent the last few days with my Dad, who has dementia. I don’t know why this devastating disease (to both patient and family) exists, but […]

The power of Creative Thinking

What is Creative Thinking Creative thinking is a cognitive process that involves generating unique and innovative ideas, concepts, or solutions to problems. It goes beyond conventional thinking and encourages exploration, originality, and flexibility. Creative thinking allows individuals to approach problems from different perspectives, challenge assumptions, and find new and effective solutions. Impact of Creative Thinking […]

Where are you storing your treasures?

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal-Matthew 6:19 Matthew 6:19 was always confusing to me. I repeatedly recalled the story read to me as a child about the farm animals that did not bother with storing food in preparation for another […]

Don’t confuse Activity with Results

Activity vs Results It’s the beginning of summer here in Austin, Texas and the weather is hot and sunny. Today I want to discuss a very important topic- confusing activity with results. Many times, we’ve heard in sales and other number driven roles, that if you do the activity, you will get the results. I […]

Does Google Build Better Bosses?

Bosses have a huge influence on people’s performance and job satisfaction (meaning whether they stay or leave). A 2019 study found that 57% of people quit because of their boss.                             [1] In another study in early 2022, 82% of workers said they would consider leaving their jobs because of a bad manager.                             [2] These numbers are an indictment: […]
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