

Are you building an Inheritance or a Legacy?

GIVE THANKS to the Lord, for he is good: his love endures forever- 1 Chronicles 16:34 Are you building an inheritance (physical or financial) or are you building a legacy (character or values)? Inheritance is something you leave “to” someone. Legacy is what you leave “in” someone. Inheritance brings temporary happiness. A legacy leaves a […]

Why Talk In Before You Talk Out?

‘Why Talk In Before You Talk Out?’​ asks Susan Furness It’s time to find your voice in a world desperately wanting to hear you. You likely know this. You likely feel this deep inside. And it’s also likely that (like me) procrastination pops in, along with a sprinkle of perfectionism just at the moment that […]

Effective Conflict Management

Introduction: Conflict is a natural part of human interactions, both in personal and professional settings. However, how you manage conflict can greatly impact your relationships and overall well-being. Here are some effective conflict management strategies that can help you move forward amicably in your personal life and at work: Communication is key: Effective communication is […]

Are you Amazed by His glory?

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Psalms 8:3-4 In 2010 we traveled to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It was about 6:00 pm when […]

Poles apart can bring us Closer

“Poles apart can bring us Closer”, suggests Susan Furness Here’s an alternative look at words often that are often seen as opposite, or in polarity. I almost always experience a sense of freedom when I consider the polarity of a word or a situation. I notice a smile as I look towards the other end […]
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