

The Joyful Teachers

Today is the anniversary of my beloved Mother’s passing. It’s not an easy day for me… and this could very easily be a real downer for the topic of this article. But the truth is I see it a day to celebrate her life, and mine.  I have also come to realize that by sharing […]

Listen first

James 1:19 says, You know this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Now everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger; This verse has historically been one of the most challenging for me, because I am a talker. I like to talk. Earlier in my walk with Christ Jesus, I wanted […]

The critical role of Discomfort

Hello everyone, it’s Sal Celly. I hope you’re all doing well. Today, I want to delve into the critical role of embracing discomfort in our lives. We often find ourselves naturally gravitating towards comfort, but it is when we step out of our comfort zones and push our boundaries that we truly grow and evolve. […]
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