Business Courses


CQ is not a Band-Aid

About two years ago, my son Will was obsessed with Band-Aids. I would walk in the bathroom and find him sitting on the floor covering his knees, legs, and arms with Band-Aids. Sometimes I just found the evidence — a pile of packaging and wrappers. This habit was starting to get expensive, so I tried […]
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Airplanes - Maximize U

Poles apart can bring us Closer

“Poles apart can bring us Closer”, suggests Susan Furness Here’s an alternative look at words often that are often seen as opposite, or in polarity. I almost always experience a sense of freedom when I consider the polarity of a word or a situation. I notice a smile as I look towards the other end […]
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Delight - Maximize U

What are you Delighting in?

2 Corinthians 12:10 That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong. This verse is easy to read but not so easy to accomplish. It says to delight in weaknesses, insults, distresses, in persecution […]
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