Year: 2024


I wish I knew that then…

I wish I knew that then… We all have memories of who we were before learning more through life today. Hopefully, we learn from our mistakes, or we are guaranteed to repeat them over and over again. Some folks have regrets, too. Regrets are not godly. Living with regret is living in the past when […]
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Focus in Everything

FOCUS IS EVERYTHING ? Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and my birthday… The year always ends and begins with a bang. I can’t remember a year where every event came and went without stress of some sort. Often we’re worried that we didn’t do enough or something disappointed us. This year, I put my focus on […]
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What mindset do you have ?

Your mindset determines your attitude and your outcome “What’s can’t? There’s no can’t!” ~Mickey Goldmill “There is no try. There is only do or do not.” ~Yoda Wisdom from two remarkable coaches and trainers who inspired their warriors to overcome incredible odds. What separates can from can’t? What distinguishes do from don’t? It’s the sheer […]
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Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024!

We can now bid farewell to this past year of 2023 and step boldly into a new year full of hope and possibilities! What OLD beliefs, habits, fears, or self-doubts do you need to leave behind in your 2023 history book? What NEW mindsets, beliefs and habits do you want to start fresh with in 2024? […]
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The Lord Said

The Lord said. Those who truly believe every word of God in the bible believe God spoke everything we experience into existence. God spoke, and it became. God spoke, and something was formed from nothing. God spoke, and Adam and Eve were. We are all here because God said. God also speaks to us. Yes, […]
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